Thursday, 15 October 2015

Dive with Danger?

Great White Shark also known as the white pointer is a vision of terror for all known mortals. Adult great whites can grow to a whopping 6.4 meters or an approximate 21 feet; eventhough there has been reports where 26 feet great whites weighing at more than 3 tonnes being published.

We have mostly been envisioned with the very much acclaimed yet dreaded Jaws by Peter Benchley where Steven Spielberg has nothing short of animation blood and gore that screamed into the 1970s cinematics. It is not a proper homage to be paid to the largest cartilaged ocean predator. 

Great white with its sheer size and proportion has created a dreaded reputation for itself. Yet amongst all the attacks by sharks globally, the majestic great white is very much ousted by the inquisitive tiger sharks and the very notorious bull sharks; the only shark that travels and thrives in both sea and freshwater.

Cage dives back in Sydney was an experience beyond words. Yet this dive has educated me in the fact that sharks and especially the great whites are highly inquisitive. They have thousands of receptors in their massive snout and the slightest nudge  or clink or even a bubble of fart is like a homing beacons for these majestic predators. Cage dives do require slight chumming and bait to reign in the predators.

For years now, there have been irk of desires to dive again but then I realized; how long do I get to wait? So a couple of emails and extreme dive buddies rallied; we are going to dive with these predators in a warm April 0f 2016 at Isle De Guadalupe or the Guadalupe Island ; off the coast of Mexico. It does pack an Isle Sonar feel from the Jurassic Park: Lost World but it will not be the dinosaurs (if there is any) we will be mesmerized in awe at but the gliding monsters below the smooth silky surface.

This time around I have done my research and am confident I am able to swim side by side with these majestic predators without any cage or boom sticks for protection. I may have been called crazy many times in my life but this actually seem the most sane. I am dumbfounded and in speechless amor for those who has swam side by side with the great white.

Ocean Ramsey: The Shark Whisperer

Ticket booked for the dive,

An indeed thrill of a lifetime,

To forget baiting and the cage,

To swim vigilant and free,

To swim up close and in awe,

Side by side of a fearsome great white,

Fulfilling part of my life once so miserable,

Still I pray stay away for now Deep Blue,

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