Friday, 18 January 2013

How Life at Its Worst Can be Most Beautiful


Is never fair cause it never is and we humans are not PERFECT.

Is full of challenges. Take a step at a time, swallow bitter pills one at a time, BRAVE the stormy weather and you shall triumph..

Does need a shine of fortune at times, so SMILE more to charm your Lady Luck. 

At times need sacrifices.To SACRIFICE for what you strongly believe in is definitely worth it.

Depicts one's true calling, so take CONTROL of your life and find out what you are truly destined for.

Can be rewarding so be THANKFUL for all that you receive.

Needs Love and SUPPORT. We do not walk this earth alone. Love and support that are most profound comes from Family, Friends, Pets (if any) and also Prayers.

Does hit rock bottom in the worst manner. However at times like this the most BEAUTIFUL things that keep you standing are found in the most UNEXPECTED places if you look hard enough.

A Song from Brian Mcknight "Win" from motion picture 
"Men of Honor" boost your fighting spirit  from within.

Dear All...

Life indeed can be PERFECT if you are BRAVE enough to SMILE and SACRIFICE to keep the pain and despair under CONTROL. Be THANKFUL for all the Love and SUPPORT, for it guides you to the most BEAUTIFUL  things at the most UNEXPECTED places.

Wishing every readers, friends and family a blessed and blissful weekend ahead. 



  1. At times I feel that I am down and out..this really helps me..thanks.

    1. dear Sarawakiana@2, I sincerely pray and hope that all is well for you and your family. All of us have had ups and downs. Be sure to always rise positively even when you are ultimately down.
